
In some countries Normohepat is called Complhepat
Bottle of 500 ml

Treatment of liver disorders of any origin:
– Bacterial and viral infections.
– Parasite infestation (fuke worm, anaplasmosis).
– Metabolic (ketosis – acetonaemia).
– Toxic or nutritional imbalances. Helps the animal recover from excess and/or nutritional imbalances.
– Excess of proteins (udder edema).
– Energy shortage (fatty liver, ketosis).
– Alteration in the metabolism of carbohydrates.
Increases milk production. It stimulates the appetite. Reverses the pictures of ketosis and fatty liver. Regulates the metabolism of body reserves. Increases circulating glucose. Corrects the pH of urine.

TRILOGY. Recommendations: use together with Magnecal 3000 and Cortrovet B1.

Dosage and admnistration

Cattle and pigs: 2.5 mL/ 10 kg body weight.
Sheep: 0.6 mL/ 10 kg body weight every 24 hours until the animal
is recovered.
Deep intramuscular, subcutaneous and/or slow intravenous.

To prevent cases of ketosis or fatty liver in high production cows:
a) apply 20 mL 15 days before labor;
b) apply 20 mL 7 days before labor.
c) apply 20 mL at the moment of labor.

The frequency and the dosage can be modified according to the veterinarian’s criteria.

  • Sorbitol22.00 g
  • DL- Metionine1.80 g
  • DL- Acetilmetionine5.20 g
  • Thiamine chlorhydrate (Vitamin B1)0.50 g
  • Formulation agents q.s.100 ml